If you ask any Italian DJ or promoter who is the best underground disc jockey of the Bel Paese after the Nineties, his answer is almost certainly the same: « Obviously PeakNick ».

Grown up near Brescia, PeakNick aka Nicola Bonandrini starts his career into funky, techno and wave tunes at the age of 14, maturing soon a very personal retrofuturistic taste. In few years he is co-founder of the experimental acrobatic duo Beat Actione, though as a resident DJ he becomes the hidden treasure of legendary clubs like Link in Bologna and Plastic in Milan.

His completely anti-marketing and independent attitude along with his deep research into analogue and sublime turntable technique have generated a real cult during the years. Extremely curious and generous both culturally and musically, no doubt PeakNick is still one of the most talented DJs in the Italian electronic music scene.